21 Money-Saving Tips That Actually Work
Updated: Oct 27, 2021
I picked the number 21 because it is assoicated with diplomacy,cooperation, achievement and independece.

Now that you know you can pay off your debt quickly I'm going to show you how simple money saving tips can add up quickly. You will now have extra money to payoff your debt with the money you are already making.
These are simple ways to help you save on your money bills. I have said this again and again. Don't let big corporations take more of your money. Every company wants to preach they have fantastic customer service, and they give you the best pricing. The bottom line for all of these companies they want to please the shareholders and that top-level management receive their big bonus. These are proven ways to reduce your bills, but maybe they will inspire you to think of others, saving you more.
Make your premium coffee at home: There are many places to buy premium coffee beans. The average cost is about $9.99 a pound. You can make 48 6oz cups from one pound. That comes out to $.21 a 6 oz cup. 16 ounces at home would cost you around $.60, including creamer and sugar. The cost of 16-ounce coffee at Starbucks is $2.10. If you made coffee at home 3 days a week, you would save $4.50 x 52 weeks = $234. If you are buying a specialty coffee, you could easily double these savings. Let me put it this way if you purchased a caramel macchiato 5 days a week for a year; you would have spent $1157 on something that may give you a 2-hour pick-up!
Buy discounted postage: Save up to 89% off USPS® rates and 76% off UPS® with instant access and no monthly fees, markup, or hidden costs. Use www.pirateship.com You don’t have to have a company to use this service it is free for everyone and the rates are awesome. For example, these are the rates for a flat 10”x12” evenlope from Allentown, PA to Pittsburg, PA You can save 25% using USPS or 48% using UPS off the retail rates.

Use Upside to save on gas: With rising gas prices, an app can save you money every time you buy gas. The nice thing about this is you save every time you go to the pump.When you share the app with family and friends, they save, and you save . For example, when they sign up, you get an additional $.15 off a gallon of gas along with the current discount saving you 30-40 cents a gallon. Try Upside https://upside.app.link/K526A
Change HVAC filters every 3 months: Changing your filters every 3 months keeps the air clean and can save you in monthly electric bill and extend the life of the unit, thus saving you thousands of dollars in the long run.
Negotiate hospital bills: Yes, you can negotiate, and here are a few ways to do so. Check your insurance coverage before the procedure. Of course, if it is an emergency, that is a different story. Check with other hospitals; you would be surprised the same procedure could cost 20% less at another hospital. Be polite and reasonable. This is a business transaction; keep your emotions in check. Meet with a hospital patient advocate. They are a neutral party and can help you understand how to deal with the hospital and point you in the direction of financial assistance programs. When the final bill is negotiated, arrange for a payment plan. Be honest with yourself and the hospital about how much you can afford monthly. If you miss a payment or two, you could end up paying the total amount, and that is not good for your credit or pocketbook.
Refinish metal instead of buying new: Instead of buying a new light outside or door handle that is faded, purchase a product that restores the shine like new. I have used Recolor from Rust-Oleum and had great success. For $15, you could save a few hundred dollars by not replacing them.
Use high-efficiency LEDs in high-use areas: Buy 100 watt equivalent dimmable led bulbs in your high-use area and non-dimmable in areas you use less often, like a closet or a room you rarely go in. This could save you a dollar for a bulb or $7-10 on a ceiling bulb. Also, watch when buying multiple packs. At a big box store, a 100 watt equivalent 4 pack is $3.45 a bulb, an 8 pack is $2.17 a bulb, and a 16 pack is $3.05 a bulb. Just because it is a larger pack, the price may not be lower. Keep this in mind when purchasing in quantities.
Buy a dentist membership plan: Not to be confused with insurance, dental membership plans allow patients to save on the cost of dental treatment using a model similar to wholesale clubs such as Sam’s Club or Costco.
Here’s how it works. The patient purchases a benefits plan, typically for a year, for a specific range or assortment of treatments at preset discounted rates. For example, the patient will pay a flat annual fee to get discounts on two cleanings, two exams, and an x-ray for that year. The more treatments that are packaged into an individual plan, the higher the membership fee.
Since these plans aren’t insurance, both doctors and patients can avoid the limitations and overall frustrations of dealing with insurance companies. It’s typically a win-win for both sides. Patients can pay only for the dental treatments they need, while doctors can grow their practices by expanding their fee-for-service patient base and case acceptance. Additionally, dealing in prenegotiated flat fees means that both sides know the charges upfront, making the payment process easier and more streamlined for everyone involved. If something more is needed, such as fillings or a root canal, the cost will be negotiated at a discount rate. Keep in mind when you have insurance, they have a limit on the amount they will pay, most times $1000-$2000 a year. I’m not telling you to ditch your coverage if you have it., but do the math and talk to your dentist; you might be pleasantly surprised!
Buy generic pet medicines: We all want to help our pet when something goes wrong, but why overpay when there is an alternative. When at the vet, they want you to fill your prescription there. It is a big moneymaker for them. If your pet needs the medicine right away, ask for a 2-3 day supply and ask if there is a generic alternative? Then ask it is an ongoing prescription to give you the script. Then go online and buy the medicine or to a pet store pharmacy. Like human discount cards, you may save up to 70% by going to places like Chewy, Petsmart, Allivet, and Petmeds.
Scan for the lowest price while shopping: There are a few apps I like to track and save you money on things you buy every week and not so often. Pricepulse, QR scanner, and Buy Via are just a few. The QR scanner, though, has annoying ads that keep popping up when looking for items. If you want to see cashback or instant discounts, Capital One shopping is a good app.
Turn off air conditioning/heat while away: If your going away for the day, weekend, or week and the temperature is not extreme either way, and there are no pets at home, turn it off. If your average bill is $150 a month in the summer and you turn it off for 3 days, you could save $15. I know it is not a lot but why cool or heat your house for ghosts they don’t care. IF you do this 5 times a year and have a vacation or two, you could save $100-$300 a year. I know it is not much; every little bit counts to the bottom line.
Quote home and auto insurance yourself: I have gone into a great deal in my book about this, and if you do the quoting yourself and know who to quote, you could save significant money. Purchase my book, and it will be the best money you have spent in a long time. https://www.ifudontask.com/shop
Switch energy providers if available: If you live in a state where you can buy your electricity or gas supply, you owe it to yourself to check out other suppliers. Having worked for a utility for 30 years, I know how prices vary from one supplier to another. Pro Tip: Never buy a variable rate contract unless you stay on top of it and know precisely when the term ends. Some suppliers suck you into a very low rate for 3 months, and then it doubles or triples after that. The generation part of the bill you are comparing might be 5 cents a kilowatt; then bang, it is now 15 cents in month 4. This part of the bill might have been $50 and now is $150. How about that for a shock?
Go for a fixed amount for the months you are comfortable with. Look for no cancellation, no monthly, and no enrollment fee. Do not buy into the unlimited plan. It might sound good, but these companies are not going to lose money. I researched, and my amount would have been $45 a month for the generation part or $540 for the year. My total cost for generation for the previous 12 months was $334. Would you pay an extra $206 to be in this plan? The last point is quoting yourself. If you can change suppliers, the home utility will have a place on their site to compare pricing. DO NOT accept offers from mail or phone calls. These companies will always cost you more money in the long run.
Review all your subscriptions: Do and audit all your monthly subscriptions and cancel them if they do not bring you joy or save you money. We often sign up for things and forget about them, and they keep costing us money on a monthly or yearly basis.
Shop at dollar stores: There are many things at these stores that can save you a lot of money over the year. A few examples are greeting cards. Why pay $4 for a card when you can get one for $1. Gift bags are another savings. The one significant savings is spices and dry herbs. They can cost up to $6 in a grocery store, and you might only need them once or twice. How many jars are in your pantry?
Buy Christmas presents in the off-season: We all buy too many presents for the kids and grandkids, so if you want to save money, buy things they could use. Some items go up 20-30 percent based on supply and demand starting in early November. Better yet, buy them a few small things and put the rest of the money you would spend in a college or rainy day fund for them.
Buy less expensive presents: This is another way to save, especially if the child is young. Most items bought for any occasion will be played with 2-3 times and accumulate dust. Keep this in mind, and your wallet will be happier. It is the thought that counts, not the amount you spend!
Start investing with a few dollars: You can start with www.Stash.com for as little as $5, yes that is it. Stash is a personal finance app that simplifies investing, making it easy and affordable for everyday Americans to build wealth and achieve their financial goals. The subscription plans to start at $1, $3, or $9 a month.

This is not a true way to save; however, putting a few bucks away each month will make you money in the long run. You can also open an account for your children or grandchildren for their high education.
Sell your unwanted stuff: Every year we accumulate more and more stuff. Sell off all your unwanted items either online or have a sale. If you don’t want to go through the hassle donate the items to a charitable cause. Write them off at tax time for a pleasant return.
Do not store any credit card information on the Web: This is a bad idea because it makes it too easy to spend more. If you have to input your credit card numbers every time you make a purchase you will twice about what you are spending especially if you are an impulse buyer.
Learn to cook: This might sound silly, but if your a single, have a big family, or a college, you will save money. We spend so much money eating out or having the food delivered it can add a strain on our finances without thinking about it. People I speak to that eat out a lot say they don't know how to cook unless they could microwave it. When we figure out we are spending on food being delivered, they still have it delivered, but now they don't tip the driver to save money. Not tipping is not fair or kind because they are providing a service and convenience for you. There are plenty of sites to learn how to cook. One of my favorites is Gordon Ramsay. He breaks down the cooking process in simple terms, and in no time, you will be cooking great meals and saving a lot of money.